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It is with great regret that we inform you that all of your services with BurstNET will be terminating on your next billing cycle/renewal/current expiration of purchased services but in all cases no later than July 25th, 2014. If you are a CO-Location client you can disregard this message. Your services will persist.
You will have until July 24th to migrate your services to other providers. On July 25th all services will be terminated.
We apologize for any inconveniences and wish you and your businesses great success.
Kind Regards,

1.hostwinds.com 会发来一封邮件,内容如下:

We want to take a moment and welcome you to the Hostwinds family. We have reached an agreement with BurstNET in order to give all of their VPS clients a new home. We will be providing all clients with a full 30 days of free service after all of your data has been successfully migrated. If you have any questions at all, then please either open a ticket or live chat with us right on our website. We want to make this transition as smooth as possible for you, so if there is anything we can do to help, please do not hesitate to ask.
Here is your login information for your Customer Portal, you can access the Customer Portal, by directing your browser here
Login Information
Email: admin@xmspace.net
To change your password to something more memorable, after logging in click on Your Name > Edit Account Details > Change Password.
Please remember to follow the below steps in order to expedite your migration over to Hostwinds. (These Steps are REQUIRED for all non vePortal Clients)
1) Login to your Hostwinds Customer Portal account
2) Open up a support ticket at the following link
vePortal VPS’s: https://clients.hostwinds.com/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=28
KVM VPS’s: https://clients.hostwinds.com/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=27
3) Include Burst.net Migration in the Subject of your Ticket
4) Please write out any special considerations you would like for us to make while migrating your services in the message section of the ticket. If you wish to handle your own migration and wish to have your server online with Hostwinds in minutes, then indicate this here, and our provisioning team will have your server fully provisioned within 15 minutes.
5) Please indicate the number of IP addresses you wish to have assigned to your server

刚申请了~不懂啥时候会通过,先写到这,截图一张 BurstNET即将关闭,老用户可以迁移到Hostwinds.com 2014-6-28更新:
杯具的是~没有迁移数据 只是接收用户~ vps是空的 哎…. BurstNET即将关闭,老用户可以迁移到Hostwinds.com 2014-6-29更新:
刚用一天的 vps~结果直接offonline了~

We are migrating the VPS’s from Burst.net this weekend. We will then send out emails once this is done.



数据完整迁移过来了,不过只能用一个月~续费要7.5美元~哎….burst.net 就这样骗钱跑路了~看来国外的空间商~也是坑爹啊

无限星辰 , 版权所有丨如未注明 , 均为原创丨本网站采用BY-NC-SA协议进行授权 , 转载请注明BurstNET即将关闭,老用户可以迁移到Hostwinds.com!
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